Build, run, and deploy custom chat bots with code.

Papercups Functions makes it possible to build custom and powerful message automation by letting you write, run, and deploy JavaScript code directly inside the browser.

Omni-channel automation

Automate messages from live chat, SMS, email, and Slack all within one platform. Integrate all of your customer messaging channels in a single place.

One-click deployment

Deploy and run your chatbot in just a few seconds with a single click. Get feedback immediately and iterate more quickly.


With code, you have the ability to build custom bots and workflow automation that wouldn't be possible otherwise. Pipe messages between different channels, send notifications, and pull in custom metadata with ease.

Papercups for Enterprise


Papercups can be deployed in your cloud, for painless adoption and onboarding. Whether it's AWS, Docker, or Heroku, we've got you covered.

Unlimited volume

Papercups is built with Elixir on top of BEAM for incredible scalability. This scalability extends to our open core pricing model.

Write code

We can manage your deployment on your infrastructure. Get the benefits of self-hosting with the reliability and scalability of the cloud.

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